Wellbeing – Anthony Downs https://www.anthonydowns.com Health, Nature News and More Sat, 22 Mar 2025 17:16:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.anthonydowns.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-icon-32x32.png Wellbeing – Anthony Downs https://www.anthonydowns.com 32 32 The conditions for widespread biowaste recovery are not met https://www.anthonydowns.com/the-conditions-for-widespread-biowaste-recovery-are-not-met/ Sat, 22 Mar 2025 17:10:50 +0000 https://www.anthonydowns.com/?p=195 Read more]]> Ontario junk disposal

The president of the National Recycling Circle, a delegated councilor for the Ontario, CA region, presents a national and local assessment of the difficulties in implementing biowaste collection targets.

Biowaste: How to sort it in the city

Study Day: Waste and the Circular Economy

Collections, new EPRs, cost control: optimize your management! Is widespread source sorting of biowaste by the end of 2025 achievable?

Let’s be realistic: few local authorities like Ontario are ready to convert to biowaste collection today.

With the exception of a few areas, such as Ontario, the city of Riverside, and a few others, where elected officials are strongly determined, the political will is generally lacking. For many elected officials, the urgent need is to wait. And we can’t blame them for that.

Indeed, they are being asked to simultaneously implement several major, complex and costly structural reforms, each of which poses a challenge in terms of education, to ensure users adhere to a profound change in their practices.

We are thinking in particular of the expansion of plastic sorting. This is being done with very little financial support compared to the necessary investments, imposing technical choices (size of sorting centers, etc.), and with major uncertainties about the financial balance of tomorrow. We are referring to the deposit system for plastic bottles, the postponement of which was obtained after a hard fight, but which has not been completely ruled out.

For biowaste, it is the same: financial support is very low, technical choices are constrained, due to the ban on mechanical-biological sorting. Visibility is very poor with regard to the use of by-products and the economic balance of the composting and methanization sectors.

The National Recycling Circle (CNR) advocates waste management that prioritizes material recovery. This requires an attractive and coherent framework. However, in this case, local authorities like Ontario are faced with a host of constraints, with a rather naive timetable, almost no financial support, and a lack of visibility. This inevitably leads to a wait-and-see attitude. Who’s surprised?

Added to the overall lack of incentives are specific difficulties

Absolutely: the mixed reception from the population, the technical challenges of waste pre-collection and collection, the pitfalls of collective housing, the cost, the treatment, and the long-term prospects… It takes a tremendous amount of commitment to get started.

Especially considering that with separate collection, at best, half of the potential can be captured. The other half remains in the residual waste: can we be satisfied with that?

Furthermore, given its limitations, does local management truly meet legal requirements? Ontario has made nearly 15,000 individual composters available and installed around 100 collective composters. This is considerable.

But this only covers 10% of the population: we are far from widespread use. As for the results, according to our estimates, this system avoids 4,000 tons of waste per year. In absolute terms, this is not bad, but it only represents 1% of the urban area’s waste. These are the concrete dilemmas that local authorities must address. This illustrates the significant gap between legislative mandates and the reality on the ground.

What solutions are there to break the waste impasse

Local authorities must be allowed to freely make their own technical choices to help the environment. This implies lifting the ban on mechanical-biological sorting: compost from these facilities, when it meets the compost quality standard, must be made commonplace.

The additional cost of this new service will also have to be covered: a financial support system that meets the challenges is essential. Finally, it is essential to provide long-term visibility to elected officials.

How the Florida Government Deals with Environmental Problems https://www.anthonydowns.com/how-the-florida-government-deals-with-environmental-problems/ Sat, 03 Aug 2024 15:39:16 +0000 https://www.anthonydowns.com/?p=185 Read more]]> waste issues in Florida

The state of Florida is home to a myriad fragile ecosystems, rich natural resources and an extensive coastline similarly confronted with various environmental issues. With the protection of its iconic Everglades to grappling with climate change and sea-level rise, Florida state government has had a complicated balancing act on environmental issues.

This includes a mix of plans, legal frameworks, conservation projects partnership delivery methods and engagement in connection with the community. These efforts, often spearheaded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) are designed to tackle a broad cross section of environmental issues ranging from water quality and habitat preservation, to climate resilience, sustainable development and better waste management practices.

Everglades Restoration and Water Quality

By far, the most critical environmental issue for south Florida and particularly the Everglades is water quality. Home to many endangered species and vital for the quality of South Florida’s water supply, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge is in danger. Unfortunately, fifty years of agricultural runoff, water management practices and urban development have decimated the ecosystem.

In response to these problems, Florida has implemented a number of significant programs designed to restore the Everglades and water quality. The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan is a massive federal-state partnership to reverse the environmental decline in South Florida. The policies contained within CERP benefit the Everglades by returning natural water flow, increasing system-wide water quality and protecting native habitats. Freshwater projects in the plan include building reservoirs and stormwater treatment areas to collect invasive pollution runoff before it enters the Everglades.

Apart from CERP, the state has undertaken additional regulations on farming methods to minimize runoff of nutrients, especially in sugarcane fields west and south of northern parts of Everglades National Park known as the Everglades Agricultural Area. These regulations consist of a series of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to offset the negative ecological effect that accompanies farm work. The FDEP is also responsible for monitoring water throughout the state to ensure it meets established standards and that Florida waters are saved from being polluted.

Through Climatization and Sea Level Rise

Sea-level rise is already affecting the state and Florida will become ground zero for climate change consequences. Florida is uniquely vulnerable to the impacts of rising seas due in part to an extensive coastline, leading to increased flooding and coastal erosion as well as saltwater intrusion into freshwater aquifers.

Florida, meanwhile, faces a number of climate change – related challenges that the state has responded to through various resilience strategies. In 2019, Governor Ron DeSantis created the Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection within the FDEP to coordinate a response at the state level for sea-level rise and other impacts from climate change. Among other things, this office provides support to local governments in the development and implementation of resilience plans – such as identifying critical infrastructure located within flood-risk areas – and strategies for minimizing risks to those assets.

The state has also rolled out the Resilient Florida Program that provides funding for locally proposed projects to reduce sea-level rise impacts on existing infrastructure and strengthen community resilience. This program provides grants for vulnerability assessments, resilience planning and the building of infrastructure such as seawalls, storm water systems and natural defenses like mangroves.

Florida has also been introducing climate resilience into its building codes and land-use planning. The state promotes the use of resilient construction techniques in flood-prone areas and mandates that localities plan for sea-level rise within their comprehensive planning frameworks, to name a few examples.

Conservation of the Habitat and Biodiversity

As the species suitable for culturing are very diverse, so too is Florida’s geographic diversity in ecosystems like wetlands, forests, crops and croplands abounded throughout the state of Florida as well as estuaries (saltwater/fresh water environments), fire nurtured land forms many types into a mosaic all over the peninsula. Preservation of these habitats and the species that rely on them is a primary focus of environmental policy in the state. The Florida Forever program is the state’s premier land conservation initiative, designed to acquire strategic lands important for protection of wildlife and water resources while providing recreational opportunities.

Since 2001, Florida Forever has conserved over 800,000 acres of public lands-much of these tracts are corridors that allow wildlife to migrate and flourish. The program aims to protect the land that is important for things like water recharge, flood control and endangered species. Financing The Florida Forever program uses a combination of state appropriations and bonds in collaboration with conservation groups, private landholders to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Florida cherishes it marine life, like the coral reefs besides its system and has plans to offer that as well. The state Coral Reef Conservation Program designs research investigations, monitors the reefs and carries out active restoration of Florida’s coral reef-strewn territories. This means preventing threats such as coral bleaching, disease and pollution; encouraging fishing practices that don’t damage the reef in favor of sustainable wildlife tourism.

Sustainability and Sustainable Growth Management

Being one of the fastest-growing states in America, Florida has been fighting a battle between development and conservation. To manage this growth in a sustainable way, Florida has implemented a number of planning and regulatory actions designed to direct development so that it occurs with the least environmental damage.

The Growth Management Act was first adopted in 1985 and mandates that all local governments require a comprehensive plan from which the critical elements of land use, housing, transportation and environmental protection be addressed. These plans must conform to state goals and are subject to review by the FDEP as well as other agencies. The act has greatly encouraged smart growth at the local level and directed land use patterns to promote future development in a more efficient manner appropriate for sound planning at all levels of government, moving inappropriate development away from sensitive areas like wetlands or floodplains and into urbanized edges depending on political decisions dictated by financial lucrative means.

The state also mandates environmental impact assessment for large development projects to demonstrate how they propose mitigating any harm done during the project. This would mean protecting wetlands and green space, avoiding additional water pollution or habitat loss when a development is added to an area.

Florida approach in address environmental topics features a mixture of regulation framework, conservation efforts and climate resilience planning. State efforts to protect water quality, restore the Everglades, address climate change, conserve biodiversity and manage growth appropriately have shown an integrated approach towards environmental stewardship.

That said, as Florida prepares for future growth and rising seas there is a great need for continued innovation, investment in water quality restoration projects and co-management partnerships if we are to sustainably protect the health of this unique system.

Can New Technology Solve The Garbage Problem https://www.anthonydowns.com/can-new-technology-solve-the-garbage-problem/ Sat, 11 Jun 2022 16:17:39 +0000 https://www.anthonydowns.com/?p=162 Read more]]>

Garbage Is A Major Issue In The World

Garbage is a major issue in the world that a lot of people are trying to combat right now. The second you think that you’re producing too much garbage, you should move to eliminate it. The steps above should help you eliminate your garbage output, and reduce your waste, even by a little! So, please take the time to follow them, and save the environment!

3 Billion Tons Of Waste Are Produced Annually

In the United States alone, 3 billion tons of waste are produced annually. But luckily, there are plenty of companies and independent contractors who can help you safely and properly dispose of your waste, including dumpster rental services.

By getting rid of your waste effectively and efficiently, you’re making a clear statement that you care about the environment and you’re being good neighbors to your community. It’s also good to know that you’re making good choices for the future of the planet and paving the way for cleaner air and water, a safer environment in which your children and grandchildren can live and play, and a home free of toxins that can decrease your lifespan.

How Can Technology Help With Junk Removal

Technology is being introduced at a rapid rate. Here are some of the ways that it can help the world.

First, technology can greatly improve the speed in which we communicate. We can talk with our friends, family and co-workers around the world in a matter of seconds! Second, technology has improved the quality of life for many people who have disabilities.

It can help them perform tasks that may have seemed impossible to do without assistance such as driving and opening doors. Third, technology has been able to help us learn how to build and fix things. It can help us develop new and innovative ways to advance our society, not to mention that it has helped businesses grow and use better waste management practices!

AI Powered Sanitation Trucks Will Be Able To Locate Garbage

Not only will it be able to locate trash, but AI powered sanitation trucks will be able to pick it up and dispose of it. This is an improvement from the trucks and dumpster rentals from today. That’s why many companies are looking towards AI powered sanitation trucks.

Facial Recognition To Identify Garbage And Garbage Bins

Garbage bins are hard to notice as they blend in with the garbage bags around them, but it is not hard to distinguish the bins from the rest by using facial recognition. A camera will be planted on the bins, along with the processing power to analyze garbage bags. When garbage bags are identified, the camera will be able to identify the specific garbage bag and the process of sorting the garbage can be automated.

According to Austin waste management experts, if this solution is designed properly, the garbage will always be sorted correctly, even when the bags are not full. The garbage that is identified correctly will be taken to a disposal center, and the rest will end up in a recycling center.

Using Smart Storage Containers To Collect Garbage

When you’re a college student or even a young adult living in a small space, you have to think about the best ways to organize your space. If you have limited room for a ton of stuff, you have to get creative and put your items in a way that makes sense for your space.

By getting a box for each different type of garbage like glass, paper, and plastic and making sure the room is organized well, you can save a lot of time! You can also make sure to recycle or even upcycle any items you can’t fit in your box.

The Tech Solutions Available To Tackle Garbage

Most people have heard the popular phrase “recycle, reduce, reuse.” We’re all pretty acquainted with the concept of recycling. It’s usually where we put all of our recyclable material. Reducing is another great way to help the environment.

Reducing consumption is one way we can reduce negative impacts from waste. Reusing is a good habit we can all start. Take a closer look at your trash and see if you can find creative ways to reuse the junk that you’ve thrown out instead of renting a dumpster.

For example, if a vegetable is too ripe, freeze it in the freezer to make a new smoothie. If the berries aren’t the right ones to eat, turn them into mulch for your garden.

Best US companies to work for https://www.anthonydowns.com/best-us-companies-to-work-for/ Sun, 12 May 2019 16:16:16 +0000 http://www.anthonydowns.com/?p=94 Read more]]>

We all want to work for a great company and get the satisfaction of having a real impact on customers, communities, and the world around us. Fortunately many American organizations offer their employees such opportunities and more.

Which companies are the best places to work, according to their employees? Now in its eighth year, the annual list of the 50 Best Places to Work, compiled by jobs and career Web site Glassdoor jus came out. This is an excellent reference for any employee looking for a better job or simple checking how well his company is doing in this ranking.

The competition to work for the very best tech firms is fierce according to an Indeed blog post detailing the findings. However, these companies are just as competitive when it comes to picking their employees.

By researching several different best lists, job hunters can easily identify a variety of ways that a retail company would be a best fit retail employer. But the research that identifies the worst retail companies to work for is more difficult to find.

Amazon was the most desirable company to work for in 2018 followed by LinkedIn. The top 10 US companies where people most want to work are all connected to the tech or media industries, such as LinkedIn, Google or Facebook.

As Amazon continues to expand its reach into just about every part of people’s lives, it’s also become the most desirable place to work. LinkedIn just released its third annual list of the top companies to work for, and Amazon hit No. 1 for the 2018 ranking, toppling former leader Alphabet (Google’s holding company).

Google, Microsoft and Starbucks are some of the best places to work in the US, workers say. Starbucks, T-Mobile and Overstock.com ranked high as well in the list that names the best companies to work for. Facebook Inc, despite suffering through what could be charitably described as a turbulent year, was ranked as one of the best places to work in 2018, according to Indeed. The career website compiled its results from the reviews posted by employees.

How can we evaluate the best real estate company to work for? An agent is required to associate their real estate license with a brokerage before they can start working. Because it is difficult to change brokerages after getting started, it is best to find out all you can about the best real estate broker to work for before making a commitment.

Facebook is the place to be, according to job website Glassdoor’s new list ranking the 100 best companies to work for in 2018. Technology is a recurring theme on the list. Other companies span healthcare, consulting, and retail.

Coming in this year at 35, Marriott, the world’s largest hotel company, employs 136,781 people and has spent more than two decades on Fortune’s list of best companies to work. Fortune ranks the company among the top places to work for its culture of treating employees as individuals despite its scale, and its commitment to diversity.

Another highly ranked company is Texas Instruments, where participants are allowed to work in offices outside of the United States. You may most remember this semiconductor design and manufacturing company from your high school graphing calculator, but it also offers global rotation programs in both engineering and softer fields. While it may not sound like the most glamorous place, employees love it.

In Chicago there are so many interesting jobs to be had at genuinely cool companies that it’s hard for a person to choose. That’s where we come in. These seven hand-picked tech companies are doing particularly interesting things in their industries — and they all just happen to be looking for new hires.
