Monthly Archive: June 2017

Doctors Find Practicing Not What Its Cracked Up To Be

You just graduated from professional medical college and are looking forward to a wonderful life long professional career service the public in healthcare.

The first thing someone asks you is have you got your malpractice insurance yet? You then think to yourself, I got into healthcare to help sick people get well and now you are telling me I have to insure myself in case these people I am trying to help sue me?

Even if you write a simple hip flexors review on the Web under your real name, you could still end up getting sued if for some reason people get sick from the product you recommended, not to mention got worse.

Yes and that is just the first reality check. Next you go out and try to find an office space, furnishings, equipment and supplies for your new office.

These items are expensive but then comes the real shocker. You need someone to answer your phone, assist you with patients and bill the insurance for you. If they don’t pay as they should, you will need someone to collect for you.

For most doctors, these costs, no more than a few years ago, were not difficult to cover with the reimbursement being paid out for services.

Enter Managed Care or what we in the business they like to call Mangled Care. Now we have businessmen coming into healthcare and trying to tell the doctors how much they should get paid for their services. The less they pay, the higher their profits and the hits just keep on coming.

This new dilemma is not easy for the practicing doctor to take. They find that what they took home from practice just a few years ago has been steadily reduced and most of the time for no other reason than greed on the part of the managed care companies.

Instead of bringing costs down, which was the intent of managed care, costs are either the same or higher. But, reimbursements are lower.

Now, your costs have remained the same but your collections have decreased. This becomes a very important issue for you. You need to curb costs somehow but where do you start. Maybe the DSL can go, maybe the yearly company party can be scaled down, lets try to conserve paper waist, etc.

What is you could take some of the staffing overhead and source it out at a rate less than you currently pay? Would you be interested? Well, now you can!

Practice Solutions, LLC provides a solution for all your office needs. They can help you with scheduling, billing, collections, legal issues, marketing and acquisitions. You keep only the staff you need to treat patients and we supply the rest.

They make this possible by dividing the cost of help in the above mentioned areas between a number of different doctors and offices. This allows them to save you money with staffing while hiring more competent people to fill these positions. You get better help for less.

If you have decreased your staffing, you now may not need as much lease space as you used to. This could be an additional benefit for using their services.

Call them today and let them show you how they can help you increase you practice income and get back some of that lost money!